The Jesus Tribe: Grace Stories from Congo's Mennonites 1912-2012 (A Project of Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission)

From Anabaptistwiki

Letter, Numbers, and Jesu

File:A Mennonite evangelist tied to a corpse.pdf
File:A small man of giant wisdom.pdf
File:A well-ordered pastor.pdf
File:Daniel Khumbi, Christian nurse.pdf
File:David Masheke, Lele evangelist and teacher.pdf
File:Death on an evangelism mission.pdf
File:Do Jesus people live in this village.pdf
File:Elie Kahanga, bachelor pastor.pdf
File:Frank Enns and Pierre Mazemba, partners in faith.pdf
File:Gladys Fox, unlikely donor.pdf
File:He sold corn at ten cents a bushel to raise boat fare.pdf
File:I just did what Jesus said.pdf
File:Joseph Kibuza, chaplain.pdf
File:Joseph the Ringer.pdf
File:Let’s see if Archie is available.pdf
File:Mama Ruth, mother of orphans.pdf
File:Moise Musenvu, international evangelist.pdf
File:One of the fi rst Christians at Mukedi.pdf
File:Papa Daniel, a nurse in service to all.pdf
File:Paul Djoko, Christian elder and chief.pdf
File:Please send us that lady with the book.pdf
File:Rebecca, Jacob, and a son named Samuel.pdf
File:The price was too high.pdf
File:Two leaders in Wongo territory.pdf

Christians Caught in Violence

File:A Mennonite rebel.pdf
File:A year of schooling in the forest.pdf
File:An open Bible at rebel headquarters.pdf
File:Caught on the wrong side.pdf
File:I’m a member of the Jesus tribe.pdf
File:Khongolo and Malula, inseperable friends.pdf
File:Pierre Mulele’s Jeunesse rebellion.pdf
File:Praise the Lord! We've crossed our Jordan.pdf
File:That’s all you can do to me.pdf
File:We baptize you in the name of Pierre Mulele.pdf

A Church Grows from the Ashes

File:A good and faithful steward.pdf
File:A new young church in Kinshasa.pdf
File:A one-egg Sunday dinner.pdf
File:A persistent preacher.pdf
File:A pioneer in West Kasai.pdf
File:A prophet among his own people.pdf
File:An excellent teaching pastor.pdf
File:An heir to the missionaries.pdf
File:Civil servant, church planter.pdf
File:David Ngongo, From houseboy to great leader.pdf
File:Do what you know you should do.pdf
File:Feeding the refugees of South Kasai.pdf
File:From Catholic altar boy to Mennonite leader.pdf
File:I’ve been invited to a banquet on Thursday.pdf
File:Léon Kibende plants a church in Kikwit.pdf
File:Mama Tina.pdf
File:Mathieu Kazadi and the new Evangelical Mennonite Church.pdf
File:No place to hang on up there.pdf
File:No receipt, No money.pdf
File:Papa and Mama of the Kikwit II church district.pdf
File:The impact of a quiet man.pdf
File:The unsinkable Schwartzes.pdf
File:Uniting the Mennonite communities.pdf

Anabaptist Testimonies

File:A great pastor who turned the other cheek.pdf
File:A living example of repentance.pdf
File:A messenger of ecumenism.pdf
File:A rich man in the Lord’s service.pdf
File:A servant of God fi nds her gifts.pdf
File:A singer-songwriter's debt of gratitude.pdf
File:A virtuous woman.pdf
File:A wide-awake woman.pdf
File:All I have to give is a daughter.pdf
File:All the arrows of the devil.pdf
File:An explosive evangelist.pdf
File:Annie Mbuyi’s quest for peace.pdf
File:Athanase Musende's last pastoral visit.pdf
File:Benjamin Mubenga's quest for peace and development.pdf
File:Bisonsa Bimpe, sorcerer's daughter.pdf
File:Citizen of the heavenly kingdom.pdf
File:Dénis Muamba’s gift for sharing.pdf
File:Felled by Ebola.pdf
File:I’ll spend the night in front of the door.pdf
File:My heart made me do it.pdf
File:Pillar of an unstable church.pdf
File:Saved from suicide by a vision.pdf
File:She saw CEM in a vision.pdf
File:Simon Tshiombe, teacher turned chief.pdf
File:Sports, music, and prayer.pdf
File:The desire to belong to one body.pdf
File:Together, pushing Mennonite boundaries.pdf
File:Trust in the Lord and tell the truth.pdf
File:Two children and a wedding.pdf
File:We need Mama Treasurer more than the money.pdf
File:What if God visited my church and didn't find me.pdf


File:Editors’ preface.pdf