Lareta Finger

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Lareta Finger

Lareta Halteman grew up in a Mennonite community in southeastern Pennsylvania and graduated from Eastern Mennonite College. After doing counseling and personnel work at Eastern Mennonite High School and at several colleges, Lareta (also Reta) married Dr. Tom Finger, and they eventually moved to Chicago in 1976. While there, Reta Halteman Finger worked for, and then edited the Christian feminist magazine, Daughters of Sarah, for twenty years.

During that time, Reta earned her doctorate in New Testament at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary (Methodist) and Northwestern University (1998). She then taught New Testament in the Bible department at Messiah University in Grantham, Pennsylvania, for fourteen years. She retired from there in 2009, then did part-time adjunct teaching in Bible at Eastern Mennonite University and Seminary.

Over the years, Reta Finger has written many articles for Mennonite and other Christian publications, including two quarters of adult Sunday school material for MC USA.  She is a contributing editor at Sojourners magazine. She has published three books: Paul and the Roman House Churches (Herald, 1993), Creating a Scene in Corinth: A Simulation (Herald, 2013), and Of Widows and Meals: Communal Meals in the Book of Acts (Eerdmans, 2007). Reta lives in Rockingham, Virginia.